Though Roving Horse Henna has been on its feet for a few years now, it is finally up and running at full speed and ready to be off to the races! I will do my best to keep the upcoming events, new stuff, promotions, and ponderings updated here as we gallop full blast into year four as a business in Portland, Oregon.
The past year has seen some amazing growth, in every direction!
A new web page is ready to be born www.rovinghorse.com, a first book has been published, and 2010's projects and events are filling up the calendar already.
Some amazing partnerships and collaborations have been built and look to continue to produce crazy out of the box body art projects! I am referring to the collaborative work with my friend and photographic collaborator Annaliese Moyer www.stagerightphoto.com
And of course there is the amazing collaboration between Roving Horse Henna and Henna Caravan, the birth of our book series! Book one, "Rovinghorse Rodeo: Images in Henna to Celebrate the American West" is already available at http://www.hennacaravan.com/shop/patterns.html This is the first of a four part series dedicated Americana. The next book is "Rovinghorse Rodeo: The rodeo Alphabet", a mix and match font and fill -up alphabet book! Keep an eye out for it!
These books are perfect little sweeties to add to your festival design books and will open up a whole new demographic for you if you care to run with it (to the tattoo show, or the Rodeo, or the Rock and Roll and Hillbilly show...)
I love this Picture!